Friday, July 3, 2009

~~New life ^^ ~~

I already started my new study life-beta year for one month d...Everything still the same..Everyday walked to school as usual..but gt more near to the sch..walking less abt 2 minute...^^I am took the course of BBA major in Banking& Finance...although i went through foundation, gt a bit basic,but to some subjects like math & account i still need to put more effort in order to score in abt my classmate? A lot of new face in class..tat is definitely..but in certain class..still can meet last time foundation classmates..nt every subject can meet wif fren..we all different time table..juz tutorial most of us nt same..but lecture class can together nia~~I also tried to make new frenz~~doing assignment with them..My 1st new fren is Carlyn~~she is my BIS & BMG group leader..I recognise her by she ask me wan join together for assignment or nt..she really gt good leadership..Everything organize well..hope tat under her leader,can score on coursework mark...Other new fren like Ben,WanYi,cheok ee ..nice to meet them..^^My housemates all oso friendly...5 of us...2 of them take same course wif me..can discuss homework together..another 2 are taking mechanical engineering..

Actually many things happen in tis 2 month..but i Lazy to write..Today i woke up early 7am..went eat dim sum with frenz..they back from cyber to malacca..but i juz noe one of them..but quite tired actually..yesterday sleep on 3.30am...After celebration my fren birthday almost 1am..sleep 3 hour nia~~Headache nw le..everytime go eat dim sum ..after back sure headache..haiz>.<> a good weather to sleep...maybe go out at movie n so on..Finally..can relax d..1 month at malacca..nt go town play yet..tis week almost everything at library had a discussion for assignment..== In tis 4 week, gt 2 superstars come to my from from hongkong..On 26th june ( Friday) Zchen(张智成) came to main hall of MMU..had a 签唱会~~huhu..a good opportunity..i sure went to..Nt much ppl that day..coz many bought the tickect,den friday oso..many ppl back to their hometown too..He really quite good looking wif real ppl..& he live singing really nice..he share abt tis few his experince..He oso brought his junior-jia jun came too..
Zchen concert entrance tickect-RM3
( due to lazy phone camera..all photo quite blur)below 2 are my fren use his camere shoot one & edited..took from his facebook( copyrighted) juz can share to u all some

Another on 2 july, last thursday...Hong Kong superstar-Eason Chan (陈奕迅) come to my campus too..i thought i cant went to his sharing night tat day..coz nid 2 buy 1 album n exchange 2 entrance tat night around 8pm..minz sms me asked me wan go or nt..her fren gt extra entrance tickect..actually start on 8.30pm..i quickly change outfit n go 2 sch meet her..the quence ady very Long d when i arrive..around 9pm we juz can enter..
entrace ticket ( 1 Album RM35 to exchange one)

He brought his band come tis time & perform wif him together..He sang very powerful with the live band..damn nice..worth to watch..but unfortunately whole concert use cantonese..i dunno at all..tat is a bad thing to me..But anyway thank minz gave me opportunity to go ^^some of photo..very blur..paiseh >.<

ok lo..write till here..~~Take care~~New life to matrix gang to local U oso..

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